Top Free DevOps Tools

Mohamed Amine Youssef
3 min readJun 13, 2021

DevOps (development + operations)

DevOps is a set of practices that works to automate and integrate the processes between software development and IT teams, so they can work together across the entire software application life cycle, from development and test through deployment to operations.

The DevOps workflow consists of phases:

  • Planning the next iteration of the product’s development
  • Building the code
  • Testing the quality of the code
  • Deploying to the production environment
  • Delivering product updates
  • Monitoring and logging software performance
  1. Jenkins

Jenkins is an open source and free automation server that allows continuous integration and continuous delivery of projects, regardless of the platform you are working on

Wih Jenkins, you can set up and customize your CI/CD pipeline and freestyle projects according to your own needs

2. Gitlab

GitLab is an open source, alternative to tools like GitHub and Bitbucket, code repository and collaborative software development platform for large DevOps projects. GitLab is free for individuals.

GitLab helps teams reduce product lifecycles and increase productivity,

It helps coordinate work among members of a project team and tracks progress over time. Git also helps both programming professionals and non-technical users by monitoring their project files.

3. Sonarqube

It is is an open-source platform for continuous inspection of code quality to perform automatic reviews with static analysis of code to detect bugs, code smells, and security vulnerabilities

SonarQube offers reports on duplicated code, coding standards, unit tests, code coverage, code complexity, comments, bugs, and security vulnerabilities.

4. Jfrog Artifactory

JFrog Artifactory is a universal DevOps solution providing end-to-end automation and management of binaries and artifacts through the application delivery process that improves productivity across your development ecosystem.

5 . Docker

Docker is the most popular and most commonly used DevOps tool by the DevOps Engineers.

It is a free and open source platform used to build, ship and run an application as a lightweight container. Containers package up the binaries, libraries, configuration files and dependencies required for a program to run.

It isolates applications into separate containers, so they become portable and more secure.

You can package all dependencies within the app’s container and ship the whole thing as an independent unit. Then, you can run the app on any machine or platform without a headache

6 . Ansible

Ansible is a configuration management tool, similar to Puppet and Chef. You can use it to configure your infrastructure and automate deployment.

Ansible’s configuration management and IT orchestration can connect to hundreds of other integral tools in your CI/CD pipeline, leading to faster development and more resilient applications and services.

  • It provides agentless architecture.
  • It is powerful because of workflow orchestration.
  • It is simple and easy to use.

7 . Nagios

Nagios is one of the most popular free and open-source monitoring tools. There are two Nagios editions: Nagios Core and Nagios XI

It is used for network monitoring, server monitoring, and applications monitoring.

it lets you keep records of things like outages and failures. Forum support is available for both editions.

8 . Redmine



Mohamed Amine Youssef

Passionate IT Consultant and a DevOps Enthusiast